Sign-ups for all events requiring an appointment (Preflight, Ground Trainer, IFR Simulator, CRM/LOFT, Achievement Awards, & CFI Event) will be done electronically on a first-come, first-serve basis. The sign-ups will be accomplished through several appointment calendars, a link to a sample calendar is below for you to practice with the process. There are several important notes regarding the appointment calendar:
- Calendars will be made available for sign-ups Monday May 5 at 0900 CDT.
- Calendars will be hosted on each Event / Award’s respective page.
- Only the authorized coach or advisor from a school may make the appointments. You are responsible for notifying your competitors what their appointment time is.
- Every person MUST have a Google account in order to access and use the appointment calendars. If you do not have one, please obtain a Google account ASAP. This will be the
only means of scheduling the appointment events.
- All of the appointment calendars are set to the Central Time zone!
- By default, your individual Google calendar is set to the time zone you are in when you access it. For people on the west coast, that means all times will display as Pacific Time. To accurately view the available times, you will either need to correct for time zone, or set your
calendar to the Central time zone.
- If a school signs up for too many slots in an event, whether on purpose or accidentally, all slots for that event will be canceled without notice. Please be certain to review the sign-up limitations published below.
- It is recommended to set up notifications on your calendar to remind you of your appointments, and to be notified if an appointment is changed or canceled.
Please be certain to review the help document attached below for how to reserve an appointment time and how to cancel an appointment once it has been made. Please use the sample calendar
below to practice with this system before we turn on the actual sign-up calendars. If needed, we will periodically cancel events off the calendar to allow everyone more opportunities to gain familiarity with the process.
Sample Event Sign-Up Calendar (Use this link to practice and gain familiarity with the process)