The NIFA Red Book is a descriptive list of NIFA events and the rules that apply to each event. Also included are tables that show penalty values assigned for rule infractions. This is a PDF document which is viewed online and if printed, will print full sheet pages in sequential order.

If you’d like a hard copy of the 2023 revision, order one to be made on-demand at cost. ~$4.00 plus shipping. (NIFA sells these at cost and is not associated with

NIFA Red Book Download


Rule Change Proposals

Per Section 15.1 of the NIFA Bylaws, at any time the NIFA Council may receive and act on rule change proposals from any member institution in good standing, NIFA Board of Directors, or NIFA Council. Upon receiving a rule change proposal and if time permits, the Executive Director shall notify all member schools and allow for a 30 day comment period. Prior to the Annual Business Meeting, the original proposed rule change, together with all comments and arguments, shall be acted upon by NIFA Council. Rule changes will be largely influenced by feedback and discussion from the membership. Should new rules be enacted, they become effective at the start of the next competition year, which begins July 1st.

Current Rule Change Proposals & Deadline for Comment

CRM LOFT Event Details Rule Change Proposal.pdf

Did Not Finish (DNF) Scoring Rule Change Proposal.pdf

Ground Trainer Rule Change Proposal.pdf

Point Value for CRM LOFT Event Rule Change Proposal.pdf